
Zero Emission Think Tank / NGO

Our mission is to promote climate solutions.

On the road to a Zero Emission World.

We are a non-profit NGO.

Dr. Ingo Stuckmann

Director & Founder

  • Renewable Energy Expert
  • Wind Energy Pioneer
  • Climate Leader at Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project
  • Parents for Future
  • Solutionsbook Author “Climate Solutions at our finger tips”

Prof. Eicke R. Weber

Chairman of the Board

  • Director European Solar Manufacturing Council ESMC
  • Chairman, Kommission für Energie und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und Senator, Bundesverband der Mittelständischen Wirtschaft BVMW
  • Former Director, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, Freiburg
  • Prof. em., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley
  • Prof. em., Fak. f. Mathematik & Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
  • Member, International Advisory Board  ASPIDE Technology

Talk About Solutions – ZETT Supporters:

Amory Lovins

  • Pioneer Soft Energy Path (Renewable Energy + Efficiency)
  • Founder Rocky Mountain Institute
  • First Zero Emission House 1983
  • Awarded “Hero for the Planet” by Time Magazine

Tony Seba

  • Rethink X
  • The keynote speaker and author about disruption and rethinking societies
  • Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Disruption and Clean Energy at Stanford University,
  • A serial Silicon Valley entrepreneur and author.

Prof. Mark Jacobson

University of Stanford, California

  • Quantifying the global energy transition, countrywise
  • Air pollution and global warming expert
  • Large-scale clean renewable energy solutions

Prof. Daniel Kammen

UC Berkeley

  • Founding director of the Renewable and Appropiate Energy Laboratory
  • A world known scientist with a great heart for the African continent
  • Former Director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center
  • Former Advisor to the US Government
  • Contributor to international news media

Hans-Josef Fell

  • Politician and early green activist and scientist
  • Co-inventor EEG/feed-in tariffs 
  • Energy Watch Group
  • Member German parliament 1998-2012

Prof. John Perlin

UC Santa Barbara

  • “The historian of solar energy”
  • Dedicated to Solar Energy & Forest Preservation
  • Historian, Book Author of “The 6,000 Year Story of Solar Energy” and “Let it Shine”