SWITCH COAL – Help Us Save The Planet

The Zero Emission Think Tank asks for your help with our solutions study:
Is it even cheaper to substitute each of all coal plants around the world (over 2.000 in total) by appropriate wind-solar-battery systems, like the currently state-of-the-art in the USA?
And is that doable within a few years too?
If successful, this will save giant amounts of emissions shortly – maybe last chance to keep the +1.5 C goal!
So let’s take like 30 minutes time to discover the relevant research data for 1 coal plant

3 simple steps:

View our Intro Video >

Keep in mind our Teaser document
follow the Short instructions
and our Step by Step instruction

1: Select a Coal Plant

Choose a Country, a Province, a Coal Plant and a Location.

2: Find the Sun

Copy Latitude & Longitude Position to Clipboard> GlobalSolarAtlas.info

Solar kWh/kWp at site / enter numerical value without unit

Required upload size: 2.1MB

Please upload only JPG or PNG screenshots. Maximum file size 2MB.

3: Find the Wind

Copy Latitude & Longitude Position to Clipboard> GlobalWindAtlas.info

Wind m/s (150m) at site / enter numerical value without unit

Required upload size: 2.1MB

Please upload only JPG or PNG screenshots. Maximum file size 2MB.

Please don’t forget

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Start Over
US shuts down coal (black) by 2030 – because renewables are cheaper

Will the world follow?

Our SwitchCoal solutions study shows how.

Country-by-Country billion $ profits.

Let’s win this.

Click to read our Newsletter 1/2024